Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
District Grand Council of Kent

The Invicta Council, No. 54 Banner Dedication Ceremony

On Monday 24th October 2023, the Invicta Council settled into a mammoth agenda, not only was this the Installation meeting – but a Candidate was it be admitted into the Order, along with topping the evening off with the dedication of a new banner, the first Council in Kent to achieve this.
The meeting was attended by many guests and visitors, along with the DGP & DDGP accompanied by the active District Grand Officers for the year (The DDGP, W.Bro. Brian Alan Ward was taking the photograph).
The District Grand Team
The Banner had been designed and produced by W.Bro. Reggie Taylor -Harding. Along with the banner pole and fittings. In appreciation for the sterling hard work of Reggie, the newly installed Worshipful Master, W.Bro. David Lucas found it right to invest W.Bro. Taylor-Harding as the Councils first Banner Bearer.
The DGP, R W Bro. Peter Brockbank, the WM W.Bro. Mark Kirby and W.Bro. Reggie Taylor-Harding
The Candidate was Bro. Christian Doll, well know in many Orders across the District was pleased to join the Council on such a special night.
The DGP, R W Bro. Peter Brockbank, the candidate, Bro. Christian Doll and the WM W.Bro. Mark Kirby
With such a tight agenda, the Council District DC, W.Bro. Michael Plant had streamlined a smooth evening – completing all the work inside of two hours.
Members of Invicta Council No.54
The evenings work was topped off with a traditional fish and chip main course at the festive board for the Allied Brethren of Kent.
Article by W.Bro. Jason Cameron-Potter PGSD, P.Dist.G.S.W., Secretary to the Invicta Council No.54