Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
District Grand Council of Kent buffer News:
The Essex Annual District Council Meeting

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The District Grand Secretary W. Bro Derek Wilkins set forth from his home in Folkestone in the early dawn of Saturday 13th May to pick up the District Grand Prefect, R.W.Bro. Brian Ward, to attend the Essex Annual District Meeting being held at the excellent Saxon Masonic centre in Southend.

En-route to the Dartford crossing there was a detour to pick up the Deputy District Grand Prefect, W. Bro. Geoff Whale, who particularly remarked upon the early hour for starting the journey! In fairness, it wasn’t that dark, but it was still quite early for an 11-00am start? Stoic as ever, and undeterred by the grumblings of his passengers relating to the early hour of the morning Derek continued towards the Dartford crossing and despite the prophecy of heavy traffic and delays due to yet another train strike - no hold ups were experienced, and the Kentish troupe arrived in plenty of time. Indeed, had it not been for the numerous speed cameras on the A127 road the team would have arrived even earlier! Thankfully, no speeding-tickets were obtained, as far as it is known.

The Essex Annual District Council Meeting DGP, DDGP and DGSec for Kent at their vist to the Essex District meeting May 2023

On arrival, the early Kent team received a very warm welcome from members of the District of Essex who were still busy preparing for the day’s meeting. However, it was not too long before the centre was packed with other guests including the rest of the Kent party consisting of W. Bros Tony Maslin and Mark Woolcott. Conversation and laughter flowed freely, as did the tea, coffee and, as usual, bacon butties – which made up for the lack of a breakfast.

As the time approached 11am, the District Grand Director of Ceremonies asked the brethren to take their seats in the temple. The visiting District Grand Prefects then entered into the temple in procession and took their seats. The District Grand Prefect for Essex, RW Bro Geoffrey Conway, was then escorted into the Council by his District Officers before opening the meeting. Having attended to the minutes and other District matters he then proceeded to welcome the six visiting District Grand Prefects and other guests, which he did amid much good-natured banter and laughter.

The Essex Annual District Council Meeting The DPG's of Essex and Kent along with their Deputies

The Essex Annual District Council Meeting Visiting DGP's with RWBro Geoffrey Conway DGP for Essex

Having completed other administration matters of the District, the District Grand Prefect then reinvested his Deputy, W Bro Tony Edwards, for the ensuing year. The District Grand Prefect then proceeded to invest and appoint his Officers for the ensuing year before addressing the brethren in his own inimitable style.

The Essex Annual District Council Meeting Kent contigent with W.Bro Bob Tuthill for the Essex District Meeting

The District Grand Council was then closed - and the brethren retired to the bar for refreshments before being called to the Festive Board to enjoy an excellent meal, consisting of Tomato soup, followed by a sort of Cumberland Pie” (reminiscent of a Lancashire Hotpot), and finishing with locally produced Strawberry and Chocolate Mint Ice cream. All of which was accompanied by an ample supply of wine.

Having said their farewells, the threesome from Kent driven by the District Grand Secretary headed home, agreeing that it had been a wonderfully, entertaining day. Nothing was seen of the rest of the Kent party, but it is believed they arrived back in Kent safely, sometime during the day.

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