Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
District Grand Council of Kent
The Installation meeting for the Paddock Wood Council, No. 88
On Wednesday 24th May the Deputy District Grand Prefect W. Bro Geoff Whale made his first official visit to the Paddock Wood Council 88 held at the Wrotham Masonic Hall. He was accompanied by W. Bro’s Ron Jakes and Alan Coxan, both District Grand Officers, and all under the watchful eye of District Grand Director of Ceremonies W. Bro Jody Townsend.
The Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Pieter Swinge opened the Council in due form. The District G.D.C, W. Bro. Jody Townsend, was admitted and reported that the Deputy DGP was outside with an escort of two District Grand Officers demanded to be admitted. This was duly done and the Deputy DGP was warmly welcomed and given the customary Allied salutations. After responding to his salutations, he was offered the gavel by the W.M. which he graciously declined stating that he felt the WM would be much better prepared to carry out the installation.
The Dep DGP W.Bro Geoff Whale in very august company
A short eulogy was given bythe Secretary for Bro. Howett, who had died on 10th April 2023.
The Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Swinge then proceeded to Install Bro. Bob Gaywood into the Chair of St Lawrence the Martyr in an excellent and warm manner. The Deputy DGP congratulated the newly Installed Master and wished him a successful year ahead.
He then took the opportunity to congratulate the installing master for delivering a superb ceremony in spite of the challenges of having to wear a face mask as a precaution against the possibility of contracting an infection whilst undergoing chemotherapy.
The Master then appointed and invested his Officers for the year in a friendly and sincere manor. The elected Treasurer, W. Bro. Graham Higgs was engaged in other Masonic business and had tendered his apologies.
During the risings the Deputy DGP made reference to the Race Afternoon being held on the 2nd September at the home of the DGP R.W. Bro. Brian Ward. The Secretary proposed the Council support the event by pledging £80 to sponsor a race and buy six horses. This was unanimously agreed by the brethren. The Deputy DGP thanked the brethren for their support and said that the DGP would be delighted with the news. He then thanked the Installing Master again for a superb ceremony as he would not be dining and wished him well with his current chemotherapy treatment.
The Brethren
The council was then closed and the brethren gathered at the bar before dining together at the festive board. In response to his toast the Dep DPG thanked his escort and the District GDC for giving up their time to support him. He then mentioned how lovely it was to see R W Bro. Noel Grout back after his recent fall. Finally, he reminded the brethren that the website,, was constantly being updated with articles and other useful information and should refer to it for any information about what was happening in the district. Any articles if interest to the Allied brethren should be sent to the District Grand Sectary who would ensure they were uploaded to the website.
Following the festive board, the brethren departed for home having spent a wonderful evening with their Allied brethren.
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