Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
District Grand Council of Kent
West Kent Council No 66 welcomes the District Grand Prefect
On Wednesday 14 June 2023, the West Kent Council No. 66 of the Allied Masonic Degrees was delighted to welcome the District Grand Prefect for Kent, RW. Bro. Brian Ward, attended by the District Grand Director of Ceremonies, W Bro. Jody Townsend, to their Regular meeting at Bromley.
The evening was well supported by members of the Council and visitors. In true tradition, it was one of the visitors, Bro. Peter Hayler, from Paddock Wood Council 88 who kindly volunteered to act as the candidate for a demonstration of the Degree of St. Lawrence The Martyr.
The DGP R.W.Bro Brian Ward with the Brethren of the West Kent Council
The ceremony was conducted in a very accomplished manner by the Worshipful Master, W Bro. David Miller, who was ably supported by the Officers of the Council. A special mention must be given to W. Bro Alan Coxon who delivered the lecture in a splendid way.
Principle Officers involved in the Ceremony: L-R Bro Paul Gillingham, W.Bro Alan Coxon, DGP, W.Bro David Miller, Bro John Jerome and W.Bro Jody Townsend
The DGP R.W.Bro Brian Ward with W.Bro. Alan Coxon
Following the demonstration of the Degree of St Lawrence the Martyr, Bro. Raymond Johnson was elected as Master Elect for the ensuing year. Under any other business the Secretary was delighted to announce that the Council Banner had been approved by Grand Council. The District Grand Prefect congratulated the Council on this milestone and confirmed that he would be delighted to attend this meeting and to assist in the dedication of the Banner when called upon so to do.
The DGP R.W.Bro Brian Ward with the Worshipful Master W. Bro David Miller
During the risings, the District Grand Prefect asked the brethren of the Council to sponsor the social event being is being held on 2 September in Folkestone. Much to his delight this was agreed unanimously by the brethren.
Once the Council had been closed, the brethren retired to the bar for some small refreshment before dining together at the Festive Board. Whilst replying to his toast, the District Grand Prefect thanked the brethren for their wonderfully warm welcome and urged them to continue to try and visit other Councils whenever they were able.
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