Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
District Grand Council of Kent buffer News:
A slightly different Allied District Meeting in Essex

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As District Senior Grand Warden for the Kent District of the Allied Masonic Degrees, I wanted to support the District Grand Prefect as much as I could so I liaised with the District Grand Secretary, W.Bro. Derek Wilkins to give me a lift to Southend-on-Sea for the Essex District Council Meeting. That meant a 7:15am start for me!

We had a reasonably uneventful journey and even arrived before the bacon rolls were ready! Still, when they arrived they were included in the cost of the meal so that was a distinct positive. We were quite a large contingent from Kent, the District Grand Prefect, R.W.Bro. Brian Ward, his Deputy W.Bro. Geoff Whale, W. Bro.’s Derek Wilkins, Tony Maslin, Mark Woolcott and Bro. Peter Hayler & me, W.Bro. Paddy Langdown. We found our seats in the Temple and settled down for the normal parades of the Great and the Glorious so that the meeting proper could begin on time. We were pleased to welcome R.W.Bro. Ian Anthony Bailey, the Deputy Grand Master, salute him, and settle down again.

The first of the Kent Contigent arrives at Saxon Hall in Essex for the District Meeting The first of the Kent Contigent arrives at Saxon Hall in Essex for the District Meeting

The contigent from Kent awaiting tea and butties The contigent from Kent awaiting tea and butties

I remember the proceedings down as far as agenda item 15 but the next thing I remember was lying on the floor in the bar area! Mark, who was sitting next to me said I started snoring and he couldn’t wake me up, but it was clearly something more serious. (I have, over the years, suffered from time to time, from a severe drop in Blood Pressure resulting me feeling very hot and passing out but never has it happened in a Lodge Meeting before).

Apparently after a couple more attempts to wake me, Mark stood up and reported to the District Grand Prefect that there was a Brother in need of urgent medical attention. The District Grand Prefect immediately halted the proceedings and several Brethren rushed over to where we were sitting and began to assess the situation. A wheelchair was found and I was taken to the main reception area and an ambulance was called for at this time I was totally unconscious.

My next conscious recollection was being cared for by a Brother who I later discovered was Ian Taylor the Deputy District Grand Prefect for Sussex (a paramedic) who just happened to have everything he needed in his car (including but not needed) a Defibrillator, (and needed) an Oximeter, Blood Pressure Kit, Oxygen and goodness knows what else. After a while cooling off on the floor, I was able to sit up and, eventually, restore myself to my personal comforts. At this point the Meeting was over and the brethren were adjourning for lunch. I was “out” for almost an hour and had no memory of what had happened up to that point.

I did not feel like eating but was happy to stay where I was and rest but at this point Derek insisted on getting the car and he and Brian forwent (now there’s a word I’ve never had cause to use – for anyone who does not know, it is the past tense of forgo!) their lunch and take me home.

I dozed all the way and when I got home, I changed my clothes, had a nice cup of tea and rested for a couple of hours in the recliner after which I felt much better.

I really am most grateful to all those who helped me, especially Ian and Mark and apologise to those who gave up their lunch and I hope the day was not too ruined – at least it was a meeting with a difference!

I am delighted to be able to tell you that I now feel fully recovered and well enough to go out for a Sunday lunch today.

Dep G.M. R.W.Bro. Ian Bailey with R.W.Bro Geffrey Conway the D.G.P. for Essex with The D.G.P and his Dep for for Kent Dep G.M. R.W.Bro. Ian Bailey with R.W.Bro Geffrey Conway the D.G.P. for Essex with The D.G.P and his Dep for for Kent

The D.G.P. for Essex R.W.Bro. Jeffrey Conway with the Deputy Grand Master R.W.Bro. Ian Bailey and the Visiting D.G.P.'s The D.G.P. for Essex R.W.Bro. Jeffrey Conway with the Deputy Grand Master R.W.Bro. Ian Bailey and the Visiting D.G.P.'s

W.Bro Geoff Whale Dep D.G.P for Kent and V.W. Bro Tony Edwards P.Dep. D.G.P. for Essex W.Bro Geoff Whale Dep D.G.P for Kent and V.W. Bro Tony Edwards P.Dep. D.G.P. for Essex

Deputy Grand Master R.W. Bro. Ian Bailey with the D.G.P for Essex R.W.Bro. Jefrey Conway and his newly appointed Deputy W.Bro. Richard Bowyer Deputy Grand Master R.W. Bro. Ian Bailey with the D.G.P for Essex R.W.Bro. Jefrey Conway and his newly appointed Deputy W.Bro. Richard Bowyer

Note to readers... During the meeting, and for those remaining in the temple we witnessed the investiture of the new Deputy District Grand Prefect for Essex W.Bro. Richard Bowyer. This was followed by a most wonderful surprise for the outgoing Deputy District Grand Prefect W.Bro. Tony Edwards who was given a field promotion by the Deputy Grand Master R.W.Bro. Ian Bailey to Past Grand Registrar thus becoming V.W.Bro. Tony Edwards.

Article by Paddy Langdown and Mark Woolcott

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