Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
District Grand Council of Kent buffer News:
Installation of a new District Grand Prefect for East Lancashire

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On Saturday the 4th May, (Star Wars day… “May the 4th be with you”!) the District Grand Prefect, R.W.Bro. Brian Ward and his Deputy W.Bro. Geoff Whale ventured way up north to Rochdale, to support the Grand Master, M.W.Bro. Thomas Firth Jackson, at the Installation of the new District Grand Prefect for East Lancashire, W. Bro. Graham Newton.

A warm welcome from R.W.Bro Brian Butterfield at the Rochdale Masonic Hall A warm welcome from R.W.Bro Brian Butterfield at the Rochdale Masonic Hall

The D.G.P. and his Deputy arrive in Rochdale The D.G.P. and his Deputy arrive in Rochdale

The retiring District Grand Prefect, R.W.Bro. Mervyn Wilson, who held the Office for eight years, was very well known throughout England and Wales for his excellent sense of humour and steady approach in leading the District.

Despite the different modes of transport employed to reach the Masonic Hall in Rochdale, Brian and Geoff arrived within a few minutes of each other and were soon enjoying a welcome cup of tea, whilst catching up with friends from other Districts.

Brian and Geoff suited and booted for the meeting Brian and Geoff suited and booted for the meeting

The D.G.P. for East Lancs R.W.Bro. Graham Newton adorned with his badge of office (as the Baby of the Prefects) The D.G.P. for East Lancs R.W.Bro. Graham Newton adorned with his badge of office (as the Baby of the Prefects)

All too soon the G.D.C. requested Brethren take their seats to enable proceedings to begin and District Grand Council was opened by a Past D.G.P. The Grand Master was admitted and conducted a superb Installation ceremony, in his usual polished style and humorous manner, witnessed by approximately 150 brethren from 17 different Districts. Following his Proclamation and salutation, R. W. Bro. Graham Newton Installed and Invested his Deputy, W.Bro. Mark Davis, in a very personalised manner.

At the completion of Council business the Brethren processed out and gathered in the bar for refreshments, before dining together, where much laughter and conversation flowed.

The Festive Board at Rochdale in Full Swing The Festive Board at Rochdale in Full Swing

A wonderful day was enjoyed by all.

Article by Geoff Whale

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