Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
District Grand Council of Kent buffer News:
Installation Meeting for Paddock Wood Council 88

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On Wednesday the 22nd May the District Grand Prefect R. W. Bro Brian Ward accompanied by the District Grand Secretary W. Bro Derek Wilkins attended the Installation meeting for the Paddock Wood Council 88.

The meeting was attended by sixteen in total which included guests and visitors. Sadly, the reigning Worshipful Master for the Council W. Bro Bob Gaywood was unexpectedly taken ill on the day and was unable to attend the meeting and install his successor Bro. Nigel Cash. At the very last moment W. Bro. Ron Jakes took the Chair and installed Bro. Nigel into the chair with great enthusiasm.

The Brethren of Paddock Wood Council with the D.G.P. and visitors The Brethren of Paddock Wood Council with the D.G.P. and visitors

Following his installation W. Bro. Cash appointed and installed his officers for the year with great aplomb.

  Worshipful Master W. Bro. Nigel Cash
  Immediate Past Master W.Bro. Bob Gaywood
  Senior Warden Bro. David James
  Junior Warden Bro. David Austin
  Chaplain W. Bro. Tony Waspe
  Treasurer W. Bro. Graham Higgs
  Secretary W. Bro. Duncan Griffiths
  D of C W. Bro. David Barden
  Almoner W. Bro. David Barden
  Senior Deacon Bro. Anthony Chapman
  Junior Deacon Bro. Peter Hayler
  Asst. D of C W. Bro. Royston Hartley
  Inner Guard Bro. Ken Lorberg
  Steward Bro. Garry Nash
  Tyler W. Bro. Pieter Swinge

The D.G. P. congratulates W.Bro. Nigel Cash following his installation as Master of the Council The D.G. P. congratulates W.Bro. Nigel Cash following his installation as Master of the Council

W. Bro Roland Wade enjoys a joke with the Installing Master W.Bro Ron Jakes whilst the newly installed  Master W. Bro Nigel Cash wonders what is going on W. Bro Roland Wade enjoys a joke with the Installing Master W.Bro Ron Jakes whilst the newly installed Master W. Bro Nigel Cash wonders what is going on

During the risings it was proposed, seconded and approved that the council would donate £80 to sponsor the 2024 Social event which is being held in Folkestone on the 17th August. The D.G.P. took the opportunity to thank the brethren of the Paddock Wood Council for their generosity and looked forward to seeing as many of them attend the event.

The council was then closed in due form before the brethren retired from the lodge room to dine together at what proved to be a fabulous festive board. In the response to his toast at the festive board the D.G.P. thanked the brethren for their warm welcome and encouraged them to try and visit other councils in the district.

At the end of the evening the D.G.P and the Dist. G. Sec set off on their journey home to Folkestone. This is a journey that should take no longer than 1 hour. On this occasion because of the closure of the M20 and other road closures due to traffic accidents the journey took nearly two and half hours. In fairness the longer than normal journey was probably due to the D.G.P. insisting that he knew a short cut across country. Sadly, this proved to be very wrong.

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