Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
District Grand Council of Kent buffer News:
New Members for the Canterbury Council 65

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On Friday 7th June the District Grand Prefect R.W. Bro. Brian Ward accompanied by the District Grand Secretary W. Bro Derek Wilkins (designated driver for the evening) made an unofficial visit to the regular meeting of the Canterbury Council 65.

By arriving early to ensure a parking spot left plenty of time to chat and catch up before the Council was opened in due form by the Worshipful Master W. Bro Alan Wilson-Stanley ably assisted by his officers. The District Grand Prefect was saluted to which he responded with thanks but decline the gavel which was offered to him.

The Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Alan Wilson-Storey, with Bro. Karl Bowman and the District Grand Prefect, R. W. Bro. Brian Ward The Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Alan Wilson-Storey, with Bro. Karl Bowman and the District Grand Prefect, R. W. Bro. Brian Ward

A ballot for W. Bro. Roy Skelton as a joining member of the council was taken and proved in his favour. W. Bro Roy thanks the Worshipful Master and Brethren for their support and promised to do his best to uphold the traditions of the council.

The candidate, Bro. Karl Wayne Bowman, was then introduced, received and admitted as a brother of St. Lawrence by the Worshipful Master, ably assisted by the Officers of the Council. W. Bro. Paddy Langdown delivered the Lecture in an excellent manner. At the end of the ceremony the District Grand Prefect welcomed Bro. Karl into the Order and presented him with a lapel pin depicting a gridiron to commemorate the Martyrdom of St Lawrence and proclaimed him a member of the Allied Masonic Degrees and as tradition dictates in our District an Allied Degree pen. Finally, Bro. Karl was given a tri-fold leaflet giving information about the Degrees of the Order, and an application form to encourage other brethren to join the Order.

The Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Alan Wilson-Storey, with Bro. Karl Bowman and W. Bro. Paddy Langdown The Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Alan Wilson-Storey, with Bro. Karl Bowman and W. Bro. Paddy Langdown

The District Grand Prefect, R. W. Bro. Brian Ward, with the Brethren of the Canterbury Council The District Grand Prefect, R. W. Bro. Brian Ward, with the Brethren of the Canterbury Council

Following the ceremony, the business of the Council continued. Highlights of which included donations of £50 being made to the Kent Masonic Library and Museum in memory of W. Bro. Roger O’Brien and £50 to the Macmillan Cancer Research in memory of Carol Apperley. It was also proposed, seconded and carried unanimously that that the council would sponsor and support the District Social Event being held in Folkestone on the 17th August with the sum of £80 which would sponsor a race and buy 6 horses. The District Grand Prefect thank the brethren for their generosity and support and looked forward to welcoming as many of them as possible to his home on the 17th August.

The Worshipful Master W. Bro. Alan Wilson-Storey with the Visting Master from White Cliffs of Dover Council 210, W.Bro. Fred Brown The Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Alan Wilson-Storey, with the Visting Master from White Cliffs of Dover Council 210, W.Bro. Fred Brown

The council was then closed and the brethren retired to the bar for refreshments before enjoying a splendid meal together at the festive board.

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