Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
District Grand Council of Kent buffer News:
West Kent Council No. 66 Fly the Flag

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On Wednesday 12th June 2024 the District Grand Prefect R.W. Bro. Brian Ward was delighted to attend the Regular Meeting of the West Kent Council at Oakley House Bromley to carry-out the dedication ceremony for the Council’s banner.

The R.W. District Grand Prefect was accompanied by almost a full team of active District Officers who had turn-out is strength to mark this special occasion.

Members of the West Council with the District Grand Prefect R. W. Bro. Brian Ward and a full contingent of the District Officers Members of the West Council with the District Grand Prefect R. W. Bro. Brian Ward and a full contingent of the District Officers

Members of the West Kent Council had discussed the idea of a banner in the past and after seeing the excellent banner that Invicta Council had dedicated for their Council the members of West Kent Council decided to go ahead with the idea.

The West Kent Council Banner Crest The West Kent Council Banner Crest
A formal application with a copy of the banner ‘logo’ was sent to Grand Council and after a few weeks the Secretary received a letter of approval granting permission to proceed.

The banner was designed by W. Bro. Mark Woolcott and paid for by generous contributions from the members, and features as part of its design, a wreath of hops surrounding a central gridiron flanked by an oak tree and the White Horse of Kent surmounted by an image Hever Castle.

The wreath of hops representing the important things in life that unite us and as a symbol of the garden of England. The White Horse as the emblem of the Kings of Kent Hengist and Horsa, the Oak Tree as a memory of the Sevenoaks where the Council was founded and also their current home at Oakley House Bromley. The image of Hever Castle surmounting these recalls the historical connection close to the Councils first ever meeting. The Gridiron of course tells us that the Council is part of the Allied Mason Degrees.

The banner dedication was conducted with great sincerity by the R.W. District Grand who was supported by W. Bro. Paddy Langdown as Senior Warden; W. Bro. Roy Hartley as Junior Warden; W. Bro. Howard Pashley as Chaplain; W. Bro. Pieter Swinge as Inner Guard and keeping everyone in order, W. Bro. Jody Townsend as DC.

W. Bro. Howard Pashley gave a most memorable Oration and Patriarchal Benediction.

After the ceremony R.W. Bro. Brian Ward congratulated the members of the Council for becoming only the second banner Council in the District and proposed that the banner could be on display at the meeting of District Grand Council.

The banner was set and the meeting continued with what was still to be a very full agenda.

W. Bro. Tony Maslin was successfully balloted for as a joining member of the Council and was delighted to take his seat in his new Council.

The Worshipful Master then carried-out the Degree of Knights of Constantinople. The original candidate Bro. Neil Sceeny had been unable to attend due to illness, so Bro. Peter Hayler (the well-known bookie at the Race Afternoons) kindly volunteered to act as candidate. The ceremony was completed with the usual fun associated with the Degree and the Worshipful Master thanked Bro. Hayler for having the “common touch”.

Following the election of officers for the year, Bro. Martin Wayne White-Peart was elected as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year and W. Bro. Perri Ahmet as Treasurer. The Worshipful Master acknowledge the outstanding contribution and service of the our-going Treasurer W. Bro. Roger Croucher who had decided to step back from his current role after seven years in post and two years before that as Secretary. The members of the Council accompanied by all present applauded Roger for all his hard work.

The District Grand Prefect R.W.Bro Brian Ward and the Worshipful Master W.Bro. Raymond Johnson The District Grand Prefect R.W.Bro Brian Ward and the Worshipful Master W.Bro. Raymond Johnson

The District Grand Prefect R.W.Bro Brian Ward and the Worshipful Master Elect Bro. Martin White -Peart The District Grand Prefect R.W.Bro Brian Ward and the Worshipful Master Elect Bro. Martin White -Peart

With a candidate for the next Regular meeting coinciding with installation it looks like another bumper evening with the West Kent Council in October. If you would like to attend please contact the Secretary at

The District Grand Prefect R.W.Bro Brian Ward with his Active District Officers and the Worshipful Master  W.Bro. Raymond Johnson The District Grand Prefect R.W.Bro Brian Ward with his Active District Officers and the Worshipful Master W.Bro. Raymond Johnson

Members of the West Kent Council with their new Banner on Display Members of the West Kent Council with their new Banner on Display

The District's ever present visitor Bro. Peter Hayler The District's ever present visitor Bro. Peter Hayler

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