Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
District Grand Council of Kent buffer News:
A new member for the Hartley Council 74

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On Saturday the 29th June the District Grand Prefect R. W. Bro. Brian Ward accompanied by his Deputy W.Bro. Geoff Whale attended the regular meeting of the Hartley Council held at the Shirley Woolmer Masonic Hall in Sidcup.

The Council was then opened in the Degree of St Lawrence the Martyr, by the Worshipful Master W. Bro Phil Clare, ably assisted by his officers. Salutations were extended to the D.G.P. and a warm welcome was given to his Deputy. Both responded with thanks. The Worshipful Master then invited to the I.P.M., W.Bro. Tony Clayton, to take the chair for the next part of the Lodge business which was to Introduce, Receive, and Admit Bro Adrian Glenfield Grant, as a Brother of St Lawrence the Martyr. The quality of the ceremony was very nearly word perfect and delivered with sincerity and aplomb by W. Bro Tony, who was ably assisted by Bro. Mike Gent acting as the S.D. The lecture was then delivered by V. W. Bro Peter Wise in a similar manor. All in all, a first-class ceremony was delivered by the Brethren, with not a trace of a ritual book in sight.

Bros. Grant, Deadman and Jerome with W.Bro. Phil Clare (WM) and R.W. Bro. Brian Ward (D.G.P.) Bros. Grant, Deadman and Jerome with W.Bro. Phil Clare (WM) and R.W. Bro. Brian Ward (D.G.P.)

Bro Adrian Grant with the W.M. W. Bro Phil Clare and the D.G.P. R.W.Bro. Brian Ward the Dep. D.G.P. W.Bro. Geoff Whale Bro Adrian Grant with the W.M. W. Bro Phil Clare and the D.G.P. R.W.Bro. Brian Ward the Dep. D.G.P. W.Bro. Geoff Whale

At the end of the ceremony the District Grand Prefect welcomed Bro. Adrian into the Order and presented him with a lapel pin, depicting a gridiron, to commemorate the Martyrdom of St Lawrence, and proclaiming him to be a member of the Allied Masonic Degrees, and, as tradition dictates in our District, presented with an Allied Degree pen. Finally, Bro. Adrian was also given a tri-fold leaflet giving information about the Degrees of the Order, and an application form to encourage his friends to join the Order. The Deputy DGP promised him a tie, which he had hoped to present at his Admittance ceremony!

The Council was then adjourned in the Degree of St Lawrence the Martyr and the Brethren retired to the dining room, to carry out the ceremony of the Grand High Priest.

The Convention of the Holy Order of the Grand High Priest was then opened by E. Comp Phil Clare. Companions Jerome, Deadman and Grant were then prepared to be Admitted, Anointed, Consecrated and Set Apart to the Office of Grand High Priest. The ceremony was conducted in a first-class manor by E. Comp Phil Clare as M.E. President, ably assisted by Comp. Lee Curtis as Vice President and E. Comp Alan Cook as Chaplain. The lecture was also given by E Comp. Phil Clare.

Upon completion of the ceremony all the candidates were congratulated by the District Grand Prefect and his Deputy before the convention of the Holy Order of the Grand High Priest was closed.

Members of the Hartley Council with the D.G.P. and the Dep. D. G. P. Members of the Hartley Council with the D.G.P. and the Dep. D. G. P.

The Brethren returned to the temple and the Council was resumed in the Degree of St Lawrence the Martyr, to enable the business of the Council could be completed.

During the risings the D.G.P. thanked the W.M. and the Brethren of the Council for their warm and friendly welcome and thanked them for sponsoring the social event being held on the 17th August in Folkestone.

The Council was then closed in due form and the Brethren departed for home after a long day of Masonic business.

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