Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
District Grand Council of Kent buffer News:
Our District Secretariat on Tramp - Combined Council Meeting of Shuttleworth Council and Londinium Matutinus…

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On Wednesday 10th July W. Bro. Derek Wilkins (District Grand Secretary) and W. Bro. Mark Woolcott (Assistant District Grand Secretary) attended the Shuttleworth Council No 50 meeting held at Mark Masons Hall, London. W. Bro. Derek is the Director of Ceremonies and Mark Woolcott is the Inner Guard for the Council.

The Shuttleworth Council is open to all District Secretaries and Assistant District Secretaries (Past and Present) and is held under the jurisdiction of the District of East Lancs. Being a member of this Council is great way to form close bonds with kindred spirits from other Districts and share experiences and knowledge.

The Shuttleworth Council would normally meet in the District of East Lancs but on this occasion the meeting was held in conjunction with the Londinium Matutinus Council No 202 from the District of London. It therefore needed dispensation from not only London but also East Lancs. This petition was duly granted by the R.W. Bro. Graham Newton the D.G.P. from East Lancs and R.W. Bro. Colin Woodcock the D.G.P. for London.

W.Bro. Derek Wilkins, Keith Young (East Lancs) and Peter Warner Dep D.G.P. London) W.Bro. Derek Wilkins, Keith Young (East Lancs) and Peter Warner Dep D.G.P. (London)

The first meeting to get underway was the Londinium Matutinus Council which undertook the Ceremony of the Grand Tylers of Soloman followed by the ceremony of installation for their new Master for the year.

The Londinium Matutinus Council was then closed in due form before the Shuttleworth Council was opened by the Worshipful Master W. Bro. Peter Warner in the degree of St Lawrence the Martyr. Upon completion of the normal business of the Council there followed a superb presentation by W. Bro. Mike Neville entitled “Masons. Medicine and Murder”. (W. Bro. Mike is an accomplished author and his books are available on Amazon). On completion of the remaining business the Council was then closed in due form and the brethren retired to the bar for refreshments and conversation before dining together at the festive board. Sadly, and all to soon it was time for conversation and laughter with friends old and new to end and head for home.

The consensus from all on departure was that it had been a splendid and most enjoyable day.

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