Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
District Grand Council of Kent
The Dep. D.G.P. Represents Kent at the District meeting for Devon and Cornwall
On Saturday 27th July the Dep. District Grand Prefect W. Bro. Geoff Whale left his home in Larkfield at 5 am to represent the District of Kent at the annual Allied District meeting of Devon & Cornwall in Plymouth. His journey involved a slight detour to Warlingham to pick up the Deputy D.G.P. for Surrey, W. Bro. Bob Tuthill, who was also attending the meeting. They enjoyed a trouble-free journey with only one refreshment stop for a bacon sarnie before arriving at the Masonic Hall in Plymouth at 10.30.
The meeting was opened at 11.00am by the D.G.P. for Deveon and Cornwall, R.W. Bro. Barry Slade, and on being introduced W. Bro. Geoff gave apologies from the D.G.P. for Kent R.W. Bro. Brian Ward. The meeting proceeded with a Past D.G.P. acting as Deputy as the current Deputy’s wife had died just 2 days earlier. It was therefore apposite that she was remembered at the same time as brethren from the district who had died during the past year. A prayer was offered by the Chaplain, R.W. Bro. Peter Hawkin..
The Deputy D.G.P for Kent, W.Bro. Geoff Whale, with the D.G.P. for Devon and Corwall, R.W.Bro. Barry Slade
The Deputy D.G.P for Surrey, W.Bro. Bob Tuthill, with the D.G.P. for Devon and Corwall, R.W.Bro. Barry Slade
The D.G.P. reappointed his Deputy but because of his absence could not invest him. The other active Officers for the year were invested with the exception of just one absentee. R.W Bro Roger Freeman was re-appointed as Organist, who Geoff was pleased to see again.
The meeting was completed in an hour (not a record but close) and lunch was brought forward to 12:30pm. This proved to be very helpful for an early departure back to Surrey and then home where he was greeted by Joy with a salad followed by Strawberries and clotted cream. Very appropriate.
W.Bro. Geoff Whale with D.P.G.'s and other distinguished guests attending the Devon and Cornwall District Meeting.
An excellent meeting albeit a tiring one but overall, a very satisfactory day trip to Plymouth.
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