Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
District Grand Council of Kent buffer News:
December meeting for the Roy Albert John Williams Council 273

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On Saturday the 14th December 2024 fifteen members of the Roy Albert John Wiliams Council 273 worked the ceremony of the Red Cross of Babylon for three brethren at their regular meeting held at the Franklin Rooms in Gillingham. The brethren of the council were also delighted to welcome seven visitors to the meeting making a total of twenty-five brethren in attendance.

Following a wonderful full English breakfast which was enjoyed by many of the brethren the Worshipful Master, W. Bro Derek Wilkins, opened the Council in the Degree of St Lawrence the Martyr. The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed as a true record. The brethren stood to order in respect of departed merit for M W Bro. Michael Herbert Past Grand Master whilst a prayer was given by W. Bro. Howard Pashley.

The Lodge was then adjourned so that the lodge room could be prepared as a Royal Arch Council for the ceremony of the Red Cross of Babylon. The following officers from the council were appointed to work the first part of the ceremony.

  Reverend Prelate S.K.S. David Green
  Second Principal S.K.S. Howard Doe
  Chaplain S.K.S. Howard Pashley
  Jewish Guide S.K.S. Peter Brockbank
  Capt. of the Temple Guard S.K.S. Mark Woolcot
  Director of Ceremonies S.K.S. Steve Davis
  Asst. D.C. S.K.S. Peter Dowling
  1st Jewish Guide S.K.S. Colin Tunbridge
  2nd Jewish Guide S.K.S. Fred Brown
  Sentinel S.K.S. Roy Skelton

The Candidates for the Red Cross of Babylon Bros. Lawler, Bowman and Baker The Candidates for the Red Cross of Babylon Bros. Lawler, Bowman and Baker

The principal officers for the first part of the ceremony, Bros. Doe, Green and Pashley The principal officers for the first part of the ceremony, Bros. Doe, Green and Pashley

Bro’s Baker, Bowman and Lawler were then introduced into the Royal Arch Council within the Red Cross of Babylon with Bro. Baker acting as the lead candidate. The ceremony was carried out in an exemplary manner by W. Bro David Green who was ably assisted by his officers. Upon completion of the first part of the ceremony the candidates were asked to retire whilst the lodge room was reorganised as the Person court for the second part of the ceremony. The following officers were put into place before the candidates were reintroduced into the council with Bro Baker again acting as lead candidate

  Thrice Illustrious Sovereign S.K.S. Howard Doe
  Master of Household S.K.S. Duncan Griffiths
  Master of Cavalry S.K.S. Brian Ward
  Master of Infantry S.K.S. Peter Dowling
  Director of Ceremonies S.K.S. Steve Davis
  Asst. D.C. S.K.S. Jason Cameron-Potter
  Capt. Of the Persian Guard S.K.S. Tony Maslin
  1st Persian Guard S.K.S. Terry Dodd
  2nd Persian Guard S.K.S. David Pugh
  Lecture S.K.S. Howard Doe

The principal officers for the second part of the ceremony, Bros. Griffiths, Doe and Ward The principal officers for the second part of the ceremony, Bros. Griffiths, Doe and Ward

The Persian Court was then closed before the Lodge was resumed in the Degree of St Lawrence the Martyr. The remaining business of the council was attended to before the lodge was closed in due form by W. Bro. Derek Wilkins.

Members of the R.A.J.W. Council with the Candidates for the Red Cross of Babylon Members of the R.A.J.W. Council with the Candidates for the Red Cross of Babylon

Members of the R.A.J.W. Council with thier guests, visitors and the candidates for the Red Cross of Babylon Members of the R.A.J.W. Council with thier guests, visitors and the candidates for the Red Cross of Babylon

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