Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
District Grand Council of Kent
The Deputy District Grand Prefect W. Bro Geoff Whale represents the District of Kent
On Saturday 25th February the Deputy District Grand Prefect represented the district of Kent at the West Midlands annual District Grand Council meeting which was held at Burton-on-Trent.
Dep. D.G.P W.Bro. Geoff Whale is welcomed by the D.G.P. for the West Middlands R. W. Bro. Joe McCollum
Prior to the District meeting on Saturday Geoff attended his regular Craft meeting at the Peace and Harmony Lodge in London on Friday evening. Rather than return home and set off again early the next morning Geoff decided to catch the last train from Euston which arrived in Birmingham at approximately 2am. There he spent nearly four “Deliriously Happy” hours in a 24-hour McDonalds restaurant, keeping warm and drinking coffee before departing for Burton on the 6.19am train. Geoff arrived at the Masonic Hall in Burton just before the caterer.
He was soon joined by the District Grand Prefect for the West Midlands, R.W.Bro. Joe McCollum, and other members of the district executive, who all welcomed him, and invited him to attend the 9am Installation meeting of Auxillium Council (The Past Masters Council) which was held before the District Meeting at 11am (He even had time for coffee and a bacon roll in between meetings).
There Geoff witnessed the happy and well attended District meeting at which the D.G.P. welcomed all the guests. Geoff passed on the best wishes and apologies of our D.G.P., R.W. Bro. Brian Ward, explaining that he had received a much better offer. Other guests included R.W.Bro. Frank Spencer, P.G.J.W., and Dep. G.M. in the Mark, together with the Past G.D.C., R.W.Bro. David Davies, and a host of D.G.P.’s from across England and Wales. Geoff was also able to pass on the best wishes to their Past D.G.P., R.W.Bro. Cliff Bull, from M.W. Bro Paul Clement, Past G.M., also a member of Peace and Harmony Lodge.
The meeting was followed by a pre luncheon drink and a very pleasant and convivial meal, finishing in good time for Geoff to get a lift to Burton station to catch the train home.
Article by Geoff Whale
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