Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
District Grand Council of Kent buffer News:
Kent Allied Masonic Degrees Annual District Meeting 2025 - Welcome to the Garden of England

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On Saturday 15th. February 2025 the District Grand Prefect. R.W.Bro. Brian Ward, was delighted to host the annual District Meeting for the Allied Masonic Degrees for Kent at the Franklin Rooms Gillingham.

This Blue ribbon event was honoured with guests and visitors representing Districts from every corner of the country in what was a celebration of the Garden of England District.

The meeting was opened at 11:00. The Right Worshipful District Grand Prefect, R.W.Bro. Brian Ward, entered the Temple accompanied by a retinue of the District Grand Officers and distinguished Brethren.

District Grand Council was opened, W.Bro. Jody Townsend as District Grand D.C. called the brethren to Order and the District Grand Prefect was saluted. R.W. Bro. Brian Ward thanked the Brethren for their warm Allied salutations and welcomed the visitors and the Heads of the various Orders of Kent including R.W. Bro. Clive Manuel the Past Deputy Grand Master of the Allied Masonic Degrees and R.W. Bro. Kessick Jones as the Grand Master of the Royal and Select Masters.

W. Bro. Geoff Whale as the Deputy District Grand Prefect delivered a most sincere in Memoriam to those Brethren called to Higher Service which was met with silent contemplation by all.

W. Bro. Derek Wilkins as the hard working District Grand Secretary then called the roll of Councils of the District of Kent all of which were well represented. The District Grand Prefect was delighted to highlight the banners of Invicta Council No. 54 and West Kent Council No. 66 which were proudly on display alongside the District banner.

The District Grand Prefect requested W. Bro. Archie Torrance be presented to him and was pleased to present a cheque to W. Bro. Archie Torrance, as the President of the Mark Benevolent Fund, on behalf of the District of Kent. W. Bro. Archie thanked the District for their continued support of the Fund and had much pleasure in turn, investing the District Grand Prefect with the Grand Master’s Keystone Fund collar and jewel as well as a very impressive certificate. W. Bro. Archie Torrance then explained how the Fund would help to support various bursaries and training projects in the wider community.

W. Bro. Archie Torrance stated that the District of Kent was in fact the first District of the Allied Masonic Degrees to attain this Award and hoped that it would continue in supporting the Fund at Council and individual levels.

R.W. Bro. Brain Ward then addressed the District Grand Council thanking the District Grand Secretary and the District Grand Director of Ceremonies and their respective teams for their hard work in organising such an enjoyable day.

The District Grand Prefect stated that he had been pleased to be accompanied on his visits around the District and around the country by the active officers for the year and thanked them for their support. He was looking forward to working with the officers appointed for this year and encouraged all Brethren of the District to visit at least one other Council a year to gain a better understanding of the various aspects of the Councils of Kent.

R.W. Bro. Brian Ward then presented those Brethren who were newly Admitted into the Order since the last Annual meeting and presented each with a special mementos. The District had seen a net increase of nine new members over the year which was encouraging but R.W. Bro. Brian Ward urged everyone to seek out suitable candidates over the months ahead to continue the progress that had been made.

The District Grand Council being closed and with the usual candid and posed photos following the formal part of the day the Brethren retired to the bar for some well-deserved relaxation. Extra Guinness having been ordered for a returning Past District Grand Prefect of Kent R. W.Bro. Peter Brockbank and some delicious Lychee wine for the Dep. D.G.P.

The Festive Board was an extremely happy and indeed noisy affair indicating that everyone was having a good time. Good wholesome Kentish Fare being the order of the day.

For the non-football fans attending four packets of Walkers crisps were presented to the D.G.P. one each for each Leicester City victory in the Premiership this year. R.W. Bro. Brian Ward thanked his Deputy W. Bro. Geoff Whale for the generous and optimistic presentation.

W. Bro. Geoff Whale also presented a beautiful bouquet to the D.G.P. for his wife Toni as a mark of gratitude for all her support to Brian and indeed the District in general (we know who really runs the show guys don’t we?!).

Article by W.Bro. Mark Woolcott

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