Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
District Grand Council of Kent buffer News:
West Kent Work the Ceremony of Knights of Constantinople

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On Wednesday 19th February 2025 the West Kent Council fresh from seeing a retinue of their members honoured at the District meeting were delighted to conduct the Degree of Knights of Constantinople for Bro. Neil Sceeny and Bro. Philip Gurney.

Bros Philip Gurney and Neil Sceeny with W.Bro.Jamie Alan the Illustrious Potentate Bros Philip Gurney and Neil Sceeny with W.Bro.Jamie Alan the Illustrious Potentate

Unfortunately, the Worshipful Master W. Bro. Martin White-Peart was unable to attend the meeting due to work commitments, but in the true spirit of the Council W. Bro. Raymond Johnson (IPM) stepped into the breach at very short notice to manage the business of the council. The main event of the evening was to conduct the ceremony of the Degree of Knights of Constantinople and this was undertaken with even less notice by W. Bro Jamie Alan who was ably and enthusiastically supported by the officers of the Council.

The Pillars of the West Kent Council with 86 years of combined experience to the AMD The Pillars of the West Kent Council with 86 years of combined experience to the AMD

Alan Coxon M.B.E. Reflects on the Common People Alan Coxon M.B.E. Reflects on the Common People

The Brethren then dined together and were graced by the arrival of their Worshipful Master who had not let the weather or traffic keep him from his duties... or the treacle pudding.

Nothing Common about this gathering Nothing Common about this gathering

Article by Mark Woolcott

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