Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas
District Grand Council of Kent
Annual District Meeting for the District of Northumberland and Durham
On Friday 28th February the District Grand Prefect set forth from sunny Folkestone to travel North to attend the annual District meeting for the District of Northumberland and Durham. The journey North proved uneventful and the District Grand Prefect arrived in a sunny Newcastle on time and I good spirits.
Following a very short taxi ride to the hotel he was checked in and ready to explore the city of Newcastle. My conclusion is that there are a lot of hills (steep ones), bridges (big iconic ones) and pubs teeming with friendly people.
The iconic Tyne Bridge in Newcastle
On Saturday 1st March the weather in Newcastle was again bright, sunny and warmish. Following a hearty breakfast at the hotel and another short taxi ride the District Grand Prefect arrived at the Masonic centre in Gateshead where he received a very warm welcome. He was then directed towards the dining area where teas coffees and bacon rolls were being served. Resisting the temptation of a bacon roll so soon after breakfast the D.G.P. was able to catch up with many brethren from different parts of the country.
Gateshead Masonic Temple
At approximately 11:30am the District Grand Prefect for Northumberland and Durham R. W. Bro. Danny Guy entered the temple in procession. He then opened the District Grand Council Annual meeting before the district Grand D.C. then called the 130 brethren assembled to order and salutations were given to the R. W. Bro. Danny Guy to which he replied.
Having welcomed all of the visiting D.G.P.’s, distinguished brethren and heads of other Orders he then went on conduct the regular business of the council in a most efficient humorous and friendly manner. Following the investiture of his officers for the year he addressed the brethren which was warmly received by the members.
R.W.Bro. Danny Guy with R.W.Bro. Brian Ward
Having concluded all of the business of the council the D.G.P. closed the district meeting and the brethren retired to the bar for refreshments and photographs. The brethren were then called to the festive board where 108 brethren enjoyed a superb lunch together.
D.G.P. of Northumberberland and Durham R. W. Bro. Danny Guy with his and District
D.G.P. of Northumberberland and Durham and District officers with their guests and Vistitors proudly display a Cheque donated to the Mark Degree.
At approximately 3:00pm the D.G.P. for Kent headed to the station for his trouble-free journey home.
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